Apart from the Speedperform reporting tool delivering detailed statistics of content and application usage, any Mobile SupportWare solution can be deployed with customized reporting tags.
This allows for seamless integration to existing web portal reporting tools such as Adobe Site Catalyst, Omniture, Google Analytics and Web Trends.

Business Intelligence
Driving business benefits is key to any Mobile SupportWare deployment – reusing information is valuable to further enhance benefits.
Conducting a project for a client always includes adding tags in the front-end applications to ensure that proper reporting is done with the applicable web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, WebTrends, SiteCatalyst and Omniture. This ensures that reporting is not a stand-alone set of measures but becomes part of the overall reporting for traffic and inquiries for all website interactions.
However, in most cases that is not enough. That is why Speedperform is also including a sophisticated Reporting tool built on an advanced OLAP (online analytical processing) database.
This tool allows our client to dynamically drill down to any level of detail in the data sampled through the usage of the Mobile SupportWare content in any of the relevant support channels.
The benefits are clear. No more guessing. How many calls were actually migrated to Internet self-service? What is the split between support inquiries handled for BlackBerry devices in the online channel compared to call center and retail? What are the current key call drivers in the call center? How support intensive is the new iPad?
Our client uses this valuable information proactively to educate CSRs and retail staff and to optimize targeted communication to end users. Eventually, this leads to increased benefits of the entire Mobile SupportWare deployment.