The Mobile SupportWare content modules
The Speedperform Mobile SupportWare solution is a toolbox that addresses the increasing complexity of support inquiries. It supports mobile users during the entire product life cycle of their device – from pre-sale to complex post-sale support interactions.
Pre-sale content for enhanced online shopping experience
The pre-sale content modules – 3D models, Device Specifications and Virtual Device (device simulator) – are designed to enhance the customer’s online shopping experience, leading to increased conversion rates. It is a platform of modules that allows the user to interact and play with the device, providing an engaging first-hand experience.
Post-sale content drives down cost to serve
The post-sale content modules – Instructional videos, Interactive Guides, tutorials for operator VAS and global online services (GVAS) and intelligent Device Troubleshooting – provide an end-to-end solution for assisted call center support, or non-assisted self-service. These post-sale content modules are designed to address the specific user needs, ranging from the initial getting started challenges of using and configuring the device, to complex troubleshooting interactions.