WorldManuals SupportWare, Content modules, application modules, device support tool WorldManuals SupportWare, Content modules, application modules, device support tool, business intelligence, support channels
knowledge knowledge sharing platform global information sharing program
Video, speedperform, mobile supportware, product life cycle, business intelligence,

Mobile SupportWare – The industry standard for mobile device support solutions

For any mobile operator, the mobile device is the key enabler to drive revenue from network services. It is vital that end users choose the right handset, know how to get started and have access to efficient support and troubleshooting when needed. At Speedperform, we specialize in providing content and applications enabling mobile operators to efficiently support network subscribers. The end result is a higher adoption rate leading to increased ARPU, increased customer satisfaction resulting in reduced customer churn and operational efficiencies reducing cost to serve.

Content modules - mapping the need for information to support strategy

Our solution Mobile SupportWare – a cloud based fully managed mobile device support solution - consists of seven distinct content modules: 3D device models, Device specifications, Virtual Device (device simulators) Instructional how-to videos, Interactive Guides, tutorials for operator VAS or global online services (GVAS) and intelligent Device Troubleshooting.

Support channels - consistent communication across all customer touch-points

When deployed to our clients we ensure consistency at all customer touch-points such as website, call center, retail outlets, on-device and through social media.

Business intelligence – measuring benefits – optimizing business impact

Benefits are numerous and can easily be measured. Current deployments of Mobile SupportWare has proven to drive down average call handling time (AHT) by as much as 67%, call deflection rate of up to 48%, self-service success rate of 70+% and a reduction in no-fault found (NFF) of 21%.