Oi (formerly known as Telemar) was formed as Tele Norte Leste to merge sixteen state-owned incumbent local exchange carriers, during the privatization of Brazilian telecommunications system. Each carrier served a particular Brazilian state in the northern, northeastern and southeastern part of the country. Initially, Telemar was allowed to offer only local voice and data services and interstate long distance voice services. Today, Telemar and its subsidiaries offer local, long distance and international voice and data services, besides a growing mobile phone network. Oi launched its mobile network in 2002 in its license states. It was the first network using GSM in Brazil. Today Oi has more than 50 million mobile subscribers.
Oi launched Mobile SupportWare in late 2014. The solution implemented by Oi consists of Interactive Guides, Troubleshooting and Device Specifications. The content is delivered through website and call center, with mobile to be added in early 2015.
Oi Brazil features:
Explore the solution live at the Oi Brazil customer care portal.